How Motivation Can Manifest Your Dreams

For years, I only wrote if the muse enticed me, whether it was discovering a writing contest or some outside entity requesting an article. I thought that was how authors wrote. When inspiration struck, writers would furiously type on the keyboard with words filling the white screen. While there is a modicum of veracity within that sentiment of the auspicious divine, inspiration is a combination of surrounding yourself with a support system and dedicated daily attention to the craft. Those are the ingredients to help transform ideas into a concrete reality.
By heeding the call to create, you summon the muse. Yet there are moments that all of us encounter where we feel stuck, and that is where a motivational speaker, attending a support group, or participating in a workshop can be so beneficial in helping you overcome what is stifling your creativity.
A motivational speaker aims to make people feel more enthusiastic and encourage them to act. I have taught workshops to students of all ages and abilities: Women's Retreat, Vision Board Class, Goal Workshops, and The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron.
Julia Cameron's book and philosophy, The Artist's Way, describes how to tap into your creative spirit. One of the foundational tenets of the methodology is the occurrence of synchronicity—those happenings that could be ascribed to as coincidences from the universe urging you toward your goals.
Inspiration combines lightning bolts and little winks that motivate you to manifest your dreams in reality. Surrounding yourself with people who will inspire you when you are struggling, sharing experiences and what each of you has learned, along with consistent attention to your craft, will be the encouragement that actualizes your dreams and pushes you over the finish line.